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WWRC Vocational Training Services Program Transfers

Transfers from one program area to another program area in Vocational Training Services are the exception and not the rule. The DRS counselor, WWRC counselor, instructor, other members of the team, and/or the Career and Workforce Division Director would allow a student to change program area after consideration of the request, under the following circumstances:

  • The student has completed less than 25% of the current training program (unless there are extenuating circumstances).
  • The student is not making appropriate progress in current program.
    • Program has become too difficult resulting in failing grades.
    • Progress is too slow (more than a month behind for feasible employment).
  • There is evidence from the Vocational Evaluation that the student has an ability to be successful in the area to which he/she wants to transfer.
  • There are special circumstances (determined by the team) that require a transfer.

If a student loses interest and decides that he/she will not work and/or refuses to work in the training area, this is a reason for termination, not transfer.

Second Program Enrollment Policies

Enrollment into a second training program is the exception, not the norm. While not encompassing all exceptions, examples are changes in the labor market, changes in a consumer's disability, implementation of a new training program, and conditions of re-entrance for those students dismissed for unsatisfactory progress. If a consumer is deemed appropriate by the rehabilitation team and/or pre-admission review process to enroll into a second vocational training program, and the consumer has successfully completed the first vocational training program, the consumer will be scheduled according to admissions availability. Additionally, enrollment into the second program needs to be in the same occupational family or career pathway.

Attendance & Leave Policies

The Vocational Training Department has a clear attendance policy that is uniformly applied across all training programs. The intent of this policy is to mirror employer expectations so that WWRC's training students will be able to learn and practice skills that will facilitate success in the workplace.

There are two (2) types of leave that can be accrued: Student Leave and Administrative Leave. Examples of each type of leave are documented in the table below.

Student Leave Administrative Leave
Incidents of illness where student is not placed on room restriction Disability-related appointments and rehabilitation-plan related appointments
Personal business, vacations, long weekends Leave for periods that the student is required to be away from the center including team or Conduct Review Board suspensions
Non-disability related appointments. A maximum of 2 hours leave will be charged for non-disability related medical or business appointments off Center grounds Inclement weather for day students not able to travel safely to WWRC
  Students placed on room restriction. Room restriction an example of administrative leave where the student remains on campus


Students are permitted to take leave for illness, personal business, vacations and non-disability related appointments within the guidelines of the 5% rule. Students who miss more than 5% of their time in attendance within a given program of training will not complete their programs with a Certificate of Completion (diploma). Students will not receive or accrue leave during assessment. The instructor will maintain a “leave hours” record for each student. Students are encouraged to maintain a leave balance for emergencies. Students will not be permitted to share or donate leave.

Expectations for Student Leave include:

  • Students are responsible requesting and obtaining approval based upon the expectation of individual training areas.
  • Student leave is granted only by the instructor and must be pre-arranged. The instructor has the right to deny leave based upon student performance in their program area or leave that exceeds the 5% rule.
  • Leave being requested for personal reasons should be submitted at least one workday in advance of the time, except for emergency situations.
  • Consistent attendance during assessment and training are critical to the development of good work habits and work skills. Students are strongly encouraged not to take leave during the assessment phase of their program. Attendance during this time should mirror being a new employee on the job.
  • Student leave is not required for medical appointments related to a student’s disability (based upon the disability listed on the enrollment sheet and agreed upon by the rehab team)
  • A maximum of 2 hours of student leave will be submitted for a non-disability related medical appointment away from WWRC.
  • Leave will be submitted for students needing to go to Student Health or to pick up medication not picked up as scheduled.
  • Excessive use of leave that has a negative impact on a student’s program may result in a team meeting.
  • Student leave may be charged for instructor disciplinary actions not to exceed 6.25 hours per incident. (Hours charged will be equivalent to actual hours missed from the classroom)
  • Leave rounded to the quarter hour will be submitted for lateness to the work area.
  • Student leave will be charged if a student is required to return to their room to correct a hygiene or appearance deficiency not related to disability.
  • Student leave does not extend the length of the program as the 5% rule is built into program hours.
  • Absenteeism during SIP must be preapproved by the Rehabilitation Team, (SIP Coordinator or a representative must be included in the discussion.)
  • The WWRC counselor can appeal this policy to the Training Department Administration for special considerations.

Administrative Leave Usage is applied as follows:

  • If the WWRC Rehabilitation Counselor feels it is appropriate with instructor and student input, a student may be put on an ‘Administrative Leave’ status to address individual issues that may affect their ability to attend class and that time missed will not be counted against the student. The student must leave the Campus when placed on Administrative Leave for cases discussed above.
  • Administrative leave will not be counted as training hours in the length of the program. Estimated completion dates must be adjusted to ensure the student is offered the stated number of training course hours for the length of the student program.

Withdraw Policies

While it is the goal of Vocational Training Services to provide students with every opportunity to succeed, enrollment in Vocational Training is strictly voluntary. In the event clients choose to terminate their training programs, they may be eligible to receive a Summary of Skills, if they have satisfactorily completed at least 80% of their training program.

Students who receive a Summary of Skills and complete satisfactory employment for 90 days in a directly related field within one year may be eligible to receive a Certificate of Completion in the training program in which they received the Summary of Skills.

It is the policy of the Wilson Workforce and Rehabilitation Center (WWRC) to bill identified funding sources after provision of services to consumers. There is no advance payment of tuition, fees, or other institutional charges for a quarter, semester, or other designated time period. WWRC’s Administrative Governance Manual (AGM) includes the policy and related procedural guidelines that apply in the unusual circumstance that:

  • a refund, including the refund of Title IV funds under the Higher Education Act (HEA), is indicated when a student withdraws from a given training program, after payment has been made; OR
  • an adjustment, including the adjustment of available Title IV funds under the HEA is indicated.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

All students enrolled in WWRC vocational training programs must meet attendance requirements and demonstrate satisfactory academic progress to continue their program of studies and be eligible to graduate. WWRC’s Vocational Training Program Satisfactory Academic Progress policy describes the operational framework under which academic progress is measured and evaluated.

Grievance and Appeals Management System

WWRC is committed to providing students with a supportive and caring living and learning environment. As part of this commitment, WWRC acknowledges that students have the right to voice grievances and to appeal decisions. Therefore, WWRC has established a Student Grievance and Appeals Management System to ensure that grievances and appeals are administered and managed in a way that dually respond to regulatory and accreditation body requirements while responding to students in a fair, impartial, respectful, and timely manner through consistently applied business processes, standards, and expectations.

Student grievances, also known as complaints, may be made if a student is dissatisfied with the behavior or actions of the institution or its representatives. A Grievance is differentiated from an Appeal in that an appeal is an action to request that the institution reconsider an official decision with which the student disagrees.

  • Grievances - It is a student right to file a grievance, either informally or formally or both. Students are informed of their right to file a grievance through the Client Handbook and during orientation to the Center. Maintenance of student confidentiality and privacy are paramount. Under no circumstances shall there be retaliation for a student grievance, real or imagined. However, students are expected to understand that any frivolous or intentionally malicious grievance may be redirected for action in accordance with the WWRC Student Code of Conduct policy. Students may register a grievance informally and/or formally.t be initiated in writing and submitted to the WWRC Dean of Students. Students who are considering filing a grievance may seek assistance or support by contacting their assigned Rehabilitation Counselor.
  • Appeals - The Wilson Workforce and Rehabilitation Center (WWRC) uses an institutional appeals process for consumers to challenge decisions and actions about their services at WWRC. While students may bypass the institutional appeals process and request an Informal Administrative Review (IAR), hearing, or mediation at any time, in accordance with Agency Policies, they are encouraged to follow the WWRC institutional appeals process to try and resolve the issue at this level. Decisions and actions which are qualified (allowable) for an institutional appeal include:
    • Denial of admission to WWRC
    • Unresolved program or service issue
    • Suspension or termination from WWRC


If a student uses the WWRC institutional appeals process and disagrees with the final decision, s/he has the right to request an IAR, hearing, or mediation. The IAR, hearing or mediation request must be made within 60 calendar days of the WWRC decision. The consumer may also contact the Client Assistance Program (CAP) advocates and attorneys for information about consumer rights and assistance in resolving issues, and may apply for CAP representation during an appeal. CAP services are available at no cost to VR consumers (per 2001 Federal Regulation 34 CFR § 361.57) through the disAbility Law Center of Virginia.

For more information, students should contact their assigned Rehabilitation Counselor. WWRC consumers fully enrolled in a vocational training program who are otherwise unable to resolve a complaint at the institutional level, have the right, under COE policies and standards, to contact the Council on Occupational Education, an independent postsecondary accreditation body.

Website: www.council.org
Address: 7840 Roswell Road Building 300, Suite 325, Atlanta, GA 30350
Phone: 800-917-2081 (Toll Free) or 770-396-3898
Fax: 770-396-3790

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