Wilson Workforce and Rehabilitation Center offers state-of-the-art evaluation, consultation, and treatment programs for clients who require assistive technology to live, work and/or go to school as independently as possible. The WWRC Assistive Technology (AT) Program is part of the statewide Virginia Assistive Technology System, which provides services to individuals with disabilities across the Commonwealth of Virginia. Services are available to adolescents and adults, with an emphasis on work and independent living. In partnership with persons with disabilities and rehabilitation professionals, interdisciplinary Assistive Technology Teams provides comprehensive interdisciplinary technology assessments and customized technology services to improve a client’s employment potential, foster independence, and promote full inclusion in society through the use of assistive technology.
This service involves a comprehensive and individualized evaluation by a team of competent, licensed professionals with both clinical and technical expertise in assistive technology. The interdisciplinary team evaluates and assesses various components and devices simultaneously. The team consults and works together to determine and interface the most appropriate assistive technology device(s) that are consistent with a client’s abilities and meet specific goals.
For durable medical equipment (DME) that is deemed medically necessary (i.e. typically covered by insurance), the vendor/ AT supplier will pursue insurance reimbursement for the DME on behalf of the client. WWRC does not directly bill or seek coverage from insurance companies or third party payors. The Assistive Technology Loan Fund Authority is a low interest loan program that assists Virginians with disabilities to get the assistive technology they need.
The interdisciplinary team which provided the evaluation oversees the fitting, adjustments, modifications and delivery of assistive devices. This team evaluates, assesses and educates clients in the appropriate operation, functional use and maintenance of purchased devices.
Email: Assistive Computer Technology (AssistiveComputerTechInfo@wwrc.virginia.gov)
Phone: 800-345-9972, Ext. 5403327117 or 540-332-7117 | TTY 800-811-7893
The purpose of the Assistive Computer Technology (ACT) Team is to help clients in accessing computers, handheld devices, tablets and other technologies to enhance their educational and vocational goals, as well as their overall quality of life.
The ACT Evaluation Team is comprised of an occupational therapist and a computer systems engineer who combine their clinical knowledge of the functional implications of disability and technical expertise in the application of assistive technology. Complementary team members such as speech-language pathologists, rehabilitation engineers and learning disability specialists may be consulted as needed.
The ACT Lab is equipped with a variety of hardware, software and stand-alone technologies. Some devices are available for short-term loan for clients to be able to try out different types of devices and/or to confirm a recommended device is appropriate. Every effort is made to update older devices and purchase new technologies as they become available.
Email: Assistive Computer Technology (AssistiveComputerTechInfo@wwrc.virginia.gov)
Phone: 800-345-9972, Ext. 5403327117 or 540-332-7117 | TTY 800-811-7893