WWRC operates 24 hours/day, seven days/week, year-round, with the exception of two weeks in December, when the Center is closed for the holidays.
WWRC Switchboard Phone: 800-345-9972
Hours of Operation: Mon-Thu 8:00am—4:30pm, Fri 8:00am-4:15pm
If you need to reach someone during regular business or after hours, call 800-345-9972 and select the most appropriate option.
Your ability to recover from an emergency tomorrow may depend on the planning and preparation you do today. This pamphlet provides tips which individuals with disabilities and others with access and functional needs, and the people who assist and support them, can take to prepare for emergencies before they happen.
WWRC uses an Emergency Alert System, commonly known as SARA (Situation Awareness and Response Assistant), to alert clients, staff, families, visitors, and community partners in the event of an emergency affecting its campus and to provide routine updates regarding the status of the emergency situation.
The Emergency Alert System (SARA) uses the WWRC campus public broadcast system which includes:
Additionally, you may provide your personal contact information to receive EMERGENCY notifications from the WWRC SARA Alert system:
If you wish to remove or update your contact information:
Please note that the alert system (SARA) is also used for:
WWRC Announcements will be available through:
Email: Emergency Communications Information (EmergencyCommInfo@wwrc.virginia.gov) | Phone: 800-345-9972, Ext. 5403327163 or 540-332-7163 | TTY 800-811-7893