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WWRC Police Department

The WWRC Police Department is a full-service sworn law enforcement agency devoted to the welfare of the WWRC campus, clients, staff, visitors and the local community. The Department enforces state laws, local ordinances and WWRC policies, rules and regulations on all property owned or controlled by the agency, as well as on adjacent streets and sidewalks. The Department has good working relationships with neighboring agencies and responds to calls within its jurisdictions as requested and authorized.

Our Mission

The mission of the Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center Police Department is to provide:

  • a safe and secure campus setting for the clients, visitors and staff at WWRC,
  • all public safety services,
  • enforcement of all criminal, traffic and regulatory laws within the WWRC campus and surrounding area.

Our Department

The Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center Police Department is comprised of two full-time and one part-time, sworn Police Officers certified by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. These Police Officers are responsible for all calls for service received on the WWRC campus, as well as assisting with emergency calls in the immediate area.  The WWRC Police Department consists of sworn Police Officers.  The Department strives to maintain a highly trained Police Force on the WWRC campus, and currently several officers hold general instructor certifications and are specialty instructors in several different fields.

Traffic Stop

Police Department Purpose Statement

The primary purpose of this WWRC Police Department is to support the rehabilitative process through the maintenance of a peaceful and orderly community and through the provision of general and emergency services. The accomplishment of this purpose will be fulfilled through constant attention to the areas of public safety, security, law enforcement and service assistance to the various departments, offices and staff at WWRC. The Department’s goal is not only to provide professional Law Enforcement and Public Safety services to the community of WWRC, but to do so with a tradition of service and excellence to every client, visitor and staff member.

Key Functions

Police functionsThe WWRC Police Department performs various functions in order to maintain a safe and secure campus:

  • Patrol
  • Investigations
  • Traffic Enforcement
  • Resource/Support


Parking Penalties

  • WWRC clients may lose the privilege to have a vehicle on campus and/or receive appropriate administrative actions.
  • Vehicle may be towed at owner’s expense.
  • Ticket/summons may be issued in accordance with the Code of Virginia which could result in the paying of fines, applicable court fees and a possible court appearance.


WWRC Parking Locations

The WWRC campus has various parking locations. Each parking lot includes an appropriate number of accessible spaces and may also include some special reserved spaces.  Drivers are expected to park in areas that are clearly marked and comply with all parking restrictions. During special events, parking may be recommended in specific locations and details will be provided for each event.

Parking Restrictions/Violations

Parking SignsParking is not permitted in these areas:

  • designated accessible parking spaces without appropriate accessible tags/placards displayed
  • reserved spaces or restricted areas
  • fire lanes
  • within 15 feet of fire hydrants
  • grass areas
  • side walks
  • concrete patios
  • any location that is not specifically designated/marked as parking
  • any area which is prohibited in accordance with the Code of Virginia

Contact Information

Address:Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center Police Department
P.O. Box 1500
269 Woodrow Wilson Avenue
Fishersville, VA 22939

Email:  Police Department

Phone: 540-332-7317 | FAX 540-332-7008

Police Officers with links to their email:

 Officer T. M. Griffin

Visit the Virginia Governor's website
Agency Expenditures
eVA Transparency in Procurement
The Virginia State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) is a group of individuals appointed by the Governor to work on behalf of people with disabilities by serving as a source of advice, information, and support.
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